But enough about you…

a writer's blog

Archive for October, 2009

Project for a Trip to Australia

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Moving DayWe leave for Australia on Saturday so, like Susan Sontag creating a project to ready herself for a trip to China, I am trying to locate my inner cobber and get myself into a place where I can be one with the Australian Mind.  With luck, the first few days in Sydney should be a good buffer — Sydney is the most New-York-Like city in the southern hemisphere (though, in fact, it’s more like San Francisco when it comes to it).  I want it to be as much like it was 20 years ago as possible, but with decent coffee.  We’ll just have to see.

Our house being watched over by our excellent friends James and Pia, whose house is being shipped up-hill for them (the attached photo is from yesterday’s move)

Anyway, off we go.  I’ll try to post some pictures or videos along the way.

Written by Alan

October 22nd, 2009 at 11:06 pm

Posted in Personal,Travel