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Archive for March, 2016

Theater Internships and Summer Youth Workshops 2016

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Hey Woodstock Friends –

As some of you know, we homeschooled our daughter Lachlan from first grade all the way through high school here in the Woodstock area. Some of our friends might still be on the local homeschooling lists, but most of Lachlan’s peers have graduated and moved on. To fill everyone in, Lachlan is now in her 3rd year at NYU in the Drama program at Tisch, and very happy with where she’s landed. She recently auditioned into the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA) in London and will be heading there in January – another success story for home-schooling, for the Hudson Valley community of home educators and for local theater training!

I’m writing today because, as some of you might know, we have been involved for many years with local theater, and I am now working with the Voice Theatre company to help organize their upcoming season. Shauna Kanter, the artistic director of Voice Theatre, needs between 4 and 8 interns for two productions, one in June and one in October. The interns would work closely on the productions, primarily with costumes and props, but also with other production-related tasks. Most helpful would be older students who can drive, but Voice Theatre is interested in speaking with anyone who has an interest in the theater arts and wants to work with an ambitious, local, professional company that is mounting excellent productions in our area.

The productions and internships would be centered at the Byrdcliffe Theater in Woodstock – as some of you might know, Shauna and Voice Theatre received donations last year, dedicated to improving the Byrdcliffe performance space so it is now air-conditioned, better sound-proofed, and allows for better production values and a longer season. Byrdcliffe is a wonderful venue in which to work!

The interships pay $200 each, but this isn’t really about the money – I can’t emphasize enough how good and professional this company is: My daughter interned with Voice Theatre, beginning by helping with parking traffic, then managing props, then taking a leading role in a 2012 production of “Lovers” at the Phoenicia Festival of the Voice and finally, becoming an ensemble member in the 2015 production “Our Country’s Good”, all on the strength of her love of theater and the excellent exposure and guidance she gained from her local theater experience. When she was ready for college, her internships and guidance from Voice Theatre were instrumental in her being accepted to every single drama department to which she applied.

You can check out the upcoming performance schedule at the Voice Theatre website where you can also find Shauna Kanter’s contact information. If you’d like more information from me, email’s your best bet – and hope there’s someone in the community interested in checking out the fantastic opportunities these internships represent.

While you’re at the Voice Theatre website, check out the Summer Youth Workshops. These will be fun, intense, one-week acting workshops, with instruction in voice, movement, improvisation and more. Beginners welcome – http://voicetheatre.org/summer-youth-workshops/

Written by Alan

March 2nd, 2016 at 1:24 pm

Posted in Plays