But enough about you…

a writer's blog

Books have changed forever

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Mentioned Hugh Howey a couple days ago on one of my how-to epublish pages, and here he is again, being incredibly smart and insightful about the state of modern book publishing. This is a must-read article for anyone who thinks they have a book inside them (unless you’re a Great Dane with a book inside you, in which case… bad doggie, but also, mad skills with the pointing device, pooch).

As one more reach-around in this love-fest, you should check out articles about Howey in Wired, starting with his interviews with Geek Dad, then go buy his books — note that you can get the Kindle Edition of the first book in the Wool series free at that link.

Written by Alan

April 4th, 2013 at 12:47 pm

Posted in Writing